Castor Oil, Organic
Castor Oil, Organic
Castor oil is an incredible oil but is not typically used as a carrier oil for essential oils. It does leave a sticky residue and will stain clothing. Because of the sticky feeling you should use this oil of maximum of 10% of the recipe.
Castor oil is utilized for many skin conditions including warts, wrinkles, moles, cellulite and some skin diseases such as ringworm and athlete’s foot. It is also one of the unique oils used as an emulsifying agent. This oil also places a protective barrier on the skin to protect against harsh environmental conditions. Castor oil is detoxifying and helps excrete clog glands and pores, in addition to helping cleanse and remove dead skin cells that can clog the sebaceous glands. Castor oil is comprised a compound called undecylenic acid, which can help to sanitize the skin and kill viruses and bacteria that can cause acne. You can detoxify by adding Castor oil to you nightly skin care routine. Simply massage oil into the skin and either wash off the excess or experiment with leaving on overnight and washing face in the morning. It is very sticky.
Dilution: Because it is so viscid, it is best to use a 10% dilution with another carrier oil or carrier oil blend.
Castor oil is extremely moisturizing and an excellent skin emollient that helps with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis that can cause severely rough, dry skin. By adding castor oil to your entire nightly skin-care routine, you can prevent your skin from becoming dry and itchy during the harsh winter months.